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Mediation, Facilitation and NegotiationMediation, Facilitation and Negotiation: conflict and questions resolution through the professional on negotiation (Mediator)
MediationMediation is a method of conflict resolution with a help of mediator, who enables the two sides to resolve their conflict in a dignified and efficient way so that both side keep their full responsibility for the agreed resolution. Some of the advantages of mediation are (compared to say legal process before the court): much lower time and financial costs and searching for a solution acceptable for both sides. Mediator is a person, who is an expert on negotiation and who creates with his/her abilities and with regard to both sides the conditions for dignified, neutral and efficient negotiations, which can result in an agreement acceptable for both interested parties. As a professional, a mediator attends to the whole course of mediation, its sides related to process and communication. S/he offers and opens space for mutual negotiations, for new insights related to issues and for agreement. Interest in mediation can be expressed either by one or both parties of a personal conflict or a business problem. Initially a mediator agrees with them on the concrete conditions of mediation and introduces them to basic information about the whole process. Then s/he agrees with the parties on the time and place of the first meeting. Both parties participate in the mediation process voluntarily and with full knowledge that they will be fully responsible for their decisions. Length of mediation depends on a concrete course of the process, but it never lasts less than three hours. In some phases of the process it may happen that the mediator asks for separate negotiations with each side individually. Firstly a mediator hears both interested parties, asks additional question so that s/he gains a complex insight into subject and causes of the conflict i.e. attitudes and intentions of interested parties. During the further course of mediation, the parties communicate with each other while the mediator neutrally secures for each side balanced conditions and enough space for the expression or their own attitudes and feelings. The aim of mediation is a conclusion of an acceptable agreement for the interested parties with the help of the mediator. Two mediators can be present if necessary. The mediator guarantees discretion related to the whole process of mediation. FacilitationFacilitation is a collective resolution of working or other debates and professional discussions with the help of a mediator, an expert on negotiations. It is specially recommended in heterogeneous teams, who approach the problem solution from very different perspectives, in the case of resolution of complicated problems and in negotiations of people, who haven't met before etc. Depending on how demanding a process of facilitation is, it may require participation of more facilitators. Facilitator supervises over a dignified and efficient course of negotiations and records its common conclusions. S/he can significantly contribute to opening of new spaces for solutions, which can be provided only by joint negotiations. |